About Us

The Dublin Dental Academy (DDA) was established by Dr. Flavio Molina in 2019. It is the first Irish company dedicated to advancing the knowledge and expertise of dental professionals.

Based in Dublin, Ireland, the DDA provides a diverse range of high-quality courses for dentists and dental technicians delivered by renowned dental experts. We are ready to welcome dental professionals eager to continue their lifelong learning in dentistry. Courses will be available for technicians and dentists in all areas, such as Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, Implants, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, and more.

Learning is a “key word” in life, always pointing us in the right direction in our personal and professional life, making us stand out, and leading us to the better version of ourselves.

Dublin Dental Academy is well-prepared to deliver courses for the dentist who wants to continue to learn and develop their skills further. Join us.

Start a new learning journey

The only way to achieve on excellent results and diminishing mistakes is by learning and training,

Available Courses